20 brilliant business ideas for students

Looking for a way to make more money as a student? Starting a business can be both fun and profitable. Here are some ideas to consider.


Looking for a way to make more money as a student? Starting a business can be both fun and profitable. Here are some ideas to consider.

You may want to run a business along your studies, or maybe you want to gain some extra cash in the stress-free summertime. Launching a small business during your college years can help you minimize debt and gain useful experience.

Here are some fun business ideas to get you going:

1. Dropshipping

Becoming a dropshipper is a popular way to make some more money. Dropshipping is a way to sell products to customers, without having the products in a warehouse or stored in your home. You don’t need to have a lot of equipment to get started, which is nice for students that don’t have a lot of space. You can dropship almost anything, and it can be a great way to learn more about business structure and shipping.

2. Tutoring business

Are you particularly skilled in a specific course? Why not share your expertise with other students and earn money while doing it? As a tutor, you have the opportunity to help others succeed academically, build your teaching skills, and deepen your own understanding of the subjects you teach. You can earn money, set particular prices per hour, and even higher rates at night time to gain more cash.

3. Podcast

Podcasting has become a platform for sharing stories, offering insights, and building communities. If you have a passion for a particular topic and love engaging discussions, starting a podcast as a student may be a successful side business. You may even talk about upcoming events at your university or discuss topics with different students.

4. Social media management

Social media has become an important tool for businesses to engage with their audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales. If you’re a student who’s an expert in navigating platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you can turn your social media skills into a profitable side business. You can gain valuable experience and make extra money by helping businesses with their online strategies. Find some local stores or small businesses, and ask if they need some help with their socials.

5. Fitness coaching

If you’re passionate about health and wellness, fitness coaching can be an excellent business idea while you’re still a student. You can pick a niche like muscle gain, weight loss or sports training. Make sure to create a plan for each customer and market your business on social media for visibility.

6. Event planning

Hostes with the mostest at every party you organize? Why not make a business out of it? You can plan parties for other people or businesses, like social parties, team-building, charities, school dances, concerts or pop-up events. A great way to make money, and even more at specific seasons.

7. Pet sitting

Are you a pet person? Pet sitting your neighbor’s cat or dog, or even creating a “kindergarten” for pet sitting can lead to a great deal of money. It can be highly valuable for people with pets that are. This ideas offer a flexible job opportunity for students while ensuring that pets receive the attention and care they need. You can choose an hourly rate or a day rate for pet sitting the animals.

8. Online courses

Another business idea can be to create online courses for different subject. For example, an online courses platform made for students can provide a good range of educational content designed to help with learning and enhance skills.This idea offers an accessible, affordable, and flexible learning environment that fits into the busy lives of students.

9. Custom t-shirts

You can actually turn customizing t-shirts into a thriving small business! Design unique prints and quotes, then print them onto high-quality t-shirts. Some ideas to try out are creating t-shirts for different communities at your university, such as football teams, book clubs and so on. Open a shop or sell online to reach a wider audience and watch your business grow.

10. Language translation

Whether you’re an international student or simply fluent in another language, usethe opportunity to share your expertise and earn extra income by teaching languages to fellow students. Consider creating online courses or guides tailored for students seeking language proficiency. It’s a rewarding way to impart knowledge while boosting your earnings.

11. Handmade jewelry

Crafting handmade jewelry is a fun way for students to make and sell unique accessories. By creating earrings, bracelets, and necklaces, students can express their creativity while earning extra cash. You can sell the items on Instagram or Tik Tok to reach a specific audience. 

12. Upcycling

Whether it’s furniture, clothes or other things, upcycling objects can be a nice way to gain some extra money in a fun way. Upcycling is all about taking old or unwanted items and turning them into something new and useful. It’s a creative way to make cool products while helping the environment by reducing waste.

13. Affiliate marketing

Do you have a good amount of followers on Instagram or Tik Tok? Affiliate Marketing is a way for students to earn money by promoting products or services online. All you have to do is partner up with companies and earn a commission for each sale or referral you generate through their promotional efforts. You don’t need any equipment except your phone, making it an easy income activity.

14. Delivery service

Another business idea for students can be delivery of goods, food and other items within your local area. You can use a custom-made app, website, or social media to communicate with customers. This service helps busy students and provides a valuable service to the community.

15. Local student guide

Many students are new to campus and unfamiliar with the area. If you know the local scene well, you can start a small business offering guided tours to help students discover new places and activities. To effectively market your local guide services, place posters around campus in high-traffic areas like student centers and libraries. On social media, you can make pages on Instagram and Tik Tok to build recognition and connect with students. Share interesting content, updates, and promotions to attract followers and generate interest.

16. Stock photography

Another great idea for a small business is shooting stock photography. You can earn money by selling your photos to various websites. All you need is a camera. Your photos can be used by businesses, designers, marketers, and even your university.

17. CV design service

As university life progresses, many students look for part-time or full-time jobs. Offering a service to create better CVs and resumes can be an excellent small business idea. You can help students improve their job applications by writing and designing standout resumes. All you need is a writing or designing software.

18. Gossip newsletter

Inspired by popular shows like Gossip Girl and Bridgerton, another fun business idea is to create a campus gossip newsletter. This newsletter can keep students updated on the latest happenings, rumors, and events around the university or local area. It can involve interesting stories, gossip, and news into a regular publication that can be distributed digitally or in print. Make sure to get paid per email-signup or sale of paper, and build up a solid list of people that are interested.

19. Cleaning services

Offering cleaning services is a practical and highly demanded business idea for students. This service provides cleaning solutions for dorm rooms, apartments, common areas, and even local businesses. It’s flexible and you can choose when to work, so that it fits your class schedule.

20. Bartending

Enjoying making cocktails? Providing bartending services for events is a fun and fitting business idea for students. Whether it’s a campus party, a private gathering, or a corporate event, offering professional bartending services adds flair and exclusivity to any occasion.

Free invoice software

Whether you are deciding to start a CV design service or a custom t-shirt business, you need to have a system where you can create invoices. By choosing a free software, you are saving some costs. With Conta, you can create invoices for no costs. 

Create free invoices