8 tips for better sales techniques

Looking for the best sales techniques? Being a good salesperson isn't just about scheduling lots of meetings or offering the lowest price. It's also important to target the right customers and clearly show them the value of your product or service.


Looking for the best sales techniques? Being a good salesperson isn’t just about scheduling lots of meetings or offering the lowest price. It’s also important to target the right customers and clearly show them the value of your product or service.

Selling is what keeps your business running. Producing goods, marketing yourself, and having great customer service won’t matter if you don’t have a solid sales process.

It’s important to look at your sales techniques. In this article, we’ll show you how to improve your sales techniques.

1. Find relevant customers

Lets look at the first one of the sales techniques! No matter how you sell—whether it’s through phone calls, events, or online—it’s important to be smart about how you spend your time. Focus on customers who are truly part of your target group.

If you don’t, you risk wasting time on customers who won’t buy from you or ending up with unsatisfied customers who don’t need your product or service. These customers won’t stay long-term, and they might leave negative feedback, harming your reputation.

Consider using Google Adwords to reach customers interested in specific keywords or add a form on your website where potential customers can leave their contact information for offers.

You can also network through LinkedIn groups or set up a blog to connect with your target audience. Make sure to dedicate plenty of time to sales, as it’s a crucial part of your business.

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2. Prepare yourself

First, you need to thoroughly understand the product or service you’re selling. Be ready to answer questions about how your company operates, the offers you can make, and the next steps in the process. Stay updated on your industry by reading trade books, articles, blogs, and similar resources.

It’s also crucial to know a bit about the people you’re contacting. If it’s a company, learn about their work and the size of their business, as this can give you an idea of their budget.

Try to identify their needs and how your product can help. This way, you can clearly explain the benefits of your product, which builds trust.

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3. Focus on the customer, not just the product

It’s more important to show how your product or service can solve the customer’s problem than to simply describe what you’re selling. If the customer has already shown interest, feel free to highlight what makes your product special and how your company stands out from competitors.

However, if you can’t explain how the product addresses the customer’s problem and the value it offers, you won’t make a sale. Instead of focusing on guarantees, other customers’ experiences, or your offers, emphasize the direct benefits for the customer.

4. Be genuine

If you’re passionate about what you’re selling, it will show. Have you tried “selling the product to yourself”? If you see the value in what you’re offering, it becomes easier to convey that to the customer.

Sales is a demanding profession that requires peak enthusiasm. Focus on energy, motivation, and genuine interest in both the product and the customer.

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5. Listen to the customer

Tailor your offer to the customer’s needs. Avoid pushing extra goods or services they don’t need, or offers that are out of their budget.

It’s better to make a small sale and gain a long-term customer than to make a big sale to someone who will never buy from you again.

Remember, customers often face major hurdles when deciding to buy. They worry about making a bad investment and whether the product is worth it. Your job is to assure them that what you’re selling is a smart, safe choice. The best way to do this is by listening to their concerns.

Speak the customer’s language and avoid excessive jargon. The exception is if the customer uses specialist terms themselves—then it can be beneficial to show you understand and match their knowledge.

6. Make it simple

Do not waste your time or the customer’s. Create an «elevator pitch» for your offer—a sales argument so effective it can be summarized in just a couple of minutes. This requires being concrete and precise, but it’s worth the effort.

Use this pitch when you have a brief sales opportunity, or to quickly gauge whether someone is a potential customer. It also helps you identify the key benefits of your product or service, which you can use in marketing and expand upon in longer meetings.

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7. Keep your promises

The last of the sales techniques is making sure you deliver on what you promise. If you guarantee a price or time frame, ensure it’s realistic. If it’s not, offer something else the customer will appreciate, such as advice, support, guarantees, or future offers.

Satisfied customers are more likely to continue using your products or services and recommend you to others.

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8. Follow up on the offer

Following up with customers is crucial for getting them to accept an offer. Don’t forget deadlines, and make sure the customer feels valued. Good follow-up can also lead to repeat sales. If you work hard, continually seek new customers, and don’t let rejection discourage you,