How to create a cash flow projection

A strong cash flow projection is essential for running a successful business, especially for small ones. It helps business owners forecast financial ups and downs, enabling smarter planning and decision-making.


A strong cash flow projection is essential for running a successful business, especially for small ones. It helps business owners forecast financial ups and downs, enabling smarter planning and decision-making.

In the world of running a business, having a strong cash flow projection is key to keeping things going and doing well, especially for small companies. This helpful tool lets business owners predict their ups and downs in money, helping them to plan and make decisions wisely. Let’s delve into the essence of cash flow projection!

Cash flow projection – Definition

At its core, a cash flow projection is an analytical forecast that estimates the movement of cash into and out of a business over a forthcoming period. This financial forecast encompasses all expected cash receipts (inflows) from various revenue streams, offset against all the cash payments (outflows) anticipated for operating expenses, capital expenditures, and financing activities. The window for this forecast can scale from as short as a week to as extensive as a quarter or year, depending on the intricacies of the business operations and the certainty of cash flow patterns.

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How cash flow projection helps your business

A cash flow projection isn’t just a financial report; it’s a strategic ally for your business. Here’s how it can be a game-changer:

Avoid Cash Shortages: By forecasting when your business might run low on cash, you can take preventive steps to avoid this situation, helping to keep your business running smoothly without financial hiccups.

Make informed decisions: With a clear view of your future financial position, you can make better choices about when to invest in new projects, hire staff, buy inventory, or even when to tighten the belt to ensure financial stability.

Plan for Growth: Knowing when you’ll have extra cash can help you plan for expansion at the right time, whether that’s upgrading equipment, moving to a larger location, or increasing your marketing efforts.

Improve Credit Management: By understanding your cash flow, you can set more effective credit terms for your customers, as well as manage your own payments to suppliers more efficiently, which can improve your business relationships.

Build Investor and Lender Confidence: A well-prepared cash flow projection shows that you’re on top of your financial management. This can make it easier to secure loans or attract investors, as it demonstrates your business’s potential for stability and growth.

In essence, a robust cash flow projection empowers you to steer your business with confidence, anticipating challenges and seizing opportunities with the full support of financial foresight.

Create a cash flow projection

The craft of producing a reliable cash flow projection entails a series of methodical steps:

1. Time frame selection

Identify the period for your cash flow projection. For small businesses, shorter durations, such as weekly or monthly, often yield more actionable insights.

2. Opening balance

Begin with an accurate opening balance, which is the current cash available at the start of the projection period.

3. Estimate cash inflows

Sales Revenue: Predict future sales based on historical data, market analysis, and seasonal trends.

Accounts Receivable: Include expected payments from customers with credit terms.

Other Income: Consider interest, investment returns, and any ancillary sources of cash.

4. Forecast cash outflows

Direct Costs: Calculate the expenses directly tied to the production or service delivery, such as raw materials and direct labor.

Operating Expenses: Plan for overheads like rent, utilities, advertising, and salaries.

Capital Expenditure: Factor in any planned investment in assets or technology upgrades.

Debt Servicing: Account for installment payments towards loans or credit lines.

5. Adjust for unexpected variations

Build in buffers for unforeseen circumstances or fluctuations impacting cash flows.

6. Net cash flow

Subtract total outflows from total inflows for each period to determine the net cash flow, revealing cash surpluses or shortages.

7. Closing balance

Add the net cash flow to the opening balance to estimate the closing cash balance for each period. This figure becomes the opening balance for the next cycle.

8. Review and revise

Continually update the projection with actual numbers to refine future forecasts and keep the projection as realistic as possible.

Try our free cash flow forecast template.

Application for small businesses

Small businesses must approach cash flow projection with practicality and precision. For such enterprises, maintaining liquidity is pivotal; thus, a meticulously crafted projection becomes a lifeline for sustainability. Here’s how small businesses can also benefit from this essential financial practice:

Management of working capital: With a refined understanding of cash movements, small business owners can prudently manage inventory levels, negotiate better payment terms with suppliers, and expedite receivables.

Informed decision-making: Whether it’s evaluating the feasibility of a growth opportunity or determining the optimal timing for major purchases, cash flow projections offer invaluable foresight.

Support for financing: A well-founded cash flow projection can serve as a crucial component of a financial package when seeking loans or attracting investors, showcasing the business’s potential for stability and profitability.

Risk mitigation: Awareness of potential cash shortages enables business owners to take pre-emptive measures, whether through securing lines of credit or adjusting business strategies accordingly.

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Monitoring performance through cash flow projections

Continuously keeping tabs on your business’s cash flow in comparison with original projections is crucial. Regularly doing so enables you to pinpoint financial trends and helps in identifying the peak seasons and slower periods. This insight is invaluable for future planning and adjusting operations accordingly.

Furthermore, consistent monitoring allows for better budget management. Discrepancies between your forecasted and actual numbers can highlight areas where budgets may need realigning or point towards an over-optimistic or overly cautious forecast.

Being vigilant about your cash flow also means you can act swiftly to any financial surprises. A healthier-than-expected cash flow might mean pushing forward expansion plans, while a shortfall could signal a need for immediate cost reduction or revenue generation strategies.

This level of financial oversight garners greater discipline across the business. It ensures that budgeting isn’t just a one-time activity but an integral part of your business operations, leading to stronger financial control and stability.

Lastly, understanding where your money is going helps you improve overall business efficiency. Whether that’s cutting unnecessary costs or investing more in profitable areas, keeping an eye on your cash flow can guide you towards smarter operational decisions, ensuring every penny contributes to the success of your business. This isn’t merely about tracking numbers; it’s a cornerstone of strategic business management.

The crucial role of cash flow projection

Cash flow projection is not just a financial exercise; it’s an essential navigational instrument for small businesses sailing the unpredictable waters of commerce. It equips entrepreneurs with the foresight to manage finances proactively, underpinning their aspirations with tangible, data-driven insights. Inculcating a culture of regular cash flow forecasting can bolster a small business’s resilience, positioning it to thrive amidst the dynamism of the commercial landscape.