How to start a business in South Africa: A simple guide

Dreaming of starting your own business in South Africa? It can be really exciting, but there's a fair bit to think about before getting started. Don't fret! We are here to help you through the basics.


Dreaming of starting your own business in South Africa? It can be really exciting, but there’s a fair bit to think about before getting started. Don’t fret! We are here to help you through the basics.

Start with a business idea

First things first, you need a gem of a business idea. This isn’t just any old thought that pops into your head; it should be a plan that lights a fire in your belly, something you can natter on about for hours because you love it that much. And it’s even better if you’ve got a proper handle on the subject. If you know your stuff, you’ll likely find it easier to make your business a success.

Now, loving your idea is one thing, but you need to be sure others will dig it too. This is where you roll up your sleeves and dive into market research. You’ll want to have a butchers at what’s already out there, who your competition is, and the folks who are likely to part with their dosh for what you’re selling.

When looking into whether there’s a market for your business idea, think about these questions:

  • Who are your potential customers? Get as specific as possible. Are they busy mums, teens into tech, or businesses needing security solutions?
  • What problem does your product or service solve for them? Maybe it saves time, makes life easier, or just brings a smile to their faces.
  • How eager are people for your offering? You might have the world’s finest tea cosy design, but if nobody’s using teapots, you’ll be in a pickle. 
  • And importantly, how much would folk be willing to pay? It’s no good if they like the idea but think it’s too costly.

To answer these questions, you could carry out surveys, hold focus groups, or have a chinwag with people who might buy what you’re flogging. Pay attention to social media chatter and online forums, too – they’re gold mines for knowing what people fancy.

Read also: A step-by-step guide to crafting business proposals

Ensuring a strong start

This research can take a bit of time, but it will be worth it. It’s all too easy to think you’ve got a winner on your hands, only to find out later that nobody is keen on parting with their cash for it. You don’t want to jump too fast and end up disappointed.

Remember, this stage is all about making sure you’ve got a solid foundation for your business. With a belter of an idea that you’re excited about and some proper research that shows there’s a bunch of people who want what you’ve got, you’ll be on a good footing to move ahead with your Aussie business dream.

Make a clear business plan

When you’re sure about your idea, the next step is to write a business plan. This doesn’t have to be super detailed to start with, but it should cover what your business will do, who your customers will be, how you plan to make money, and any potential costs. It’s like a road map for your business and will come in handy when you need to talk to banks or investors.

Once you’ve got a corker of an idea, penning a business plan is your next move. Begin with a rough sketch that outlines the nuts and bolts of your venture:

  • Lay out what your business aims to do – think about the products you’ll flog or the services you’ll offer.
  • Identify who will fork out for your offerings. Sketch a picture of your ideal customer and why they’d choose you.
  • Get to grips with your income stream. How will the cash roll in? Will you sell directly to customers, or maybe you’re looking wholesale?
  • Don’t forget to account for expenses. From the cost of creating a product to the bills you’ll pay to keep the lights on, it all adds up.
  • Finally, think how you’ll spread the word. Your marketing game plan is key to drawing folks in.

This plan shouldn’t just live in your noggin – scribble it down! It’s a doddle for you to change as your business grows and it’s a must-have for chats with the money-lenders and backers. Your business plan is the blindingly brilliant blueprint that’ll help turn your dream into a sturdy enterprise.

Read also: A step-by-step guide to creating a business model

Getting started: Legal requirements

Diving into the legal stuff might not be as exciting as dreaming up your business idea, but it’s important to get it right to avoid a spot of bother later on. Understanding the legal ins and outs sets the stage for a solid business in South Africa.

Choose a business structure

The sort of structure you go for will shape everything from your tax duties to how much legal and financial responsibility you’ve got. The main options are:

  • Sole Trader: Just you running the show. It’s straightforward, and you call all the shots, but you’re personally responsible for all aspects of the business.
  • Partnership: This is when two or more people or entities join hands to run a business. It’s still simple but do hammer out an agreement to outline how you’ll manage things to prevent squabbles.
  • Company: A more complex set-up where the business is a separate legal creature. This means the company cops it for legal and financial debts, not you personally. It involves more paperwork and cost, but it might be worth it for the protection and credibility.

Register your business

Before you start trading, get your business name registered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). This ensures nobody else nicks your name. If you’re trading as a company, you’ll need to register the company with CIPC as well.

South African Revenue Service (SARS) VAT Registration

You’ve got to collect a VAT registration number from the South African Revenue Service (SARS). It’s a unique number that identifies your business for VAT purposes. You’ll need this for taxes, invoices, and other business dealings.

Tax time

Get familiar with your tax obligations. Depending on your structure and turnover, you might need to register for Value-Added Tax (VAT). If you’re hiring staff, there’s Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) withholding and unemployment insurance fund (UIF) contributions to sort out.

Intellectual property

If your business idea involves unique products, brands, or inventions, protect your noggin’s hard work by looking into intellectual property rights. Trademarks, patents, and copyright can keep your ideas safe from sticky fingers.

Licences and permits

Depending on the nature of your business, you might need specific licences and permits. These can range from food safety approvals if you’re opening a café to a builder’s licence for construction work. Check with your local council and industry-specific bodies to know what applies to you.


Don’t skimp on this. Having the right insurance could save your bacon if things go pear-shaped. Public liability, professional indemnity, and workers’ compensation are some types you might need.

Privacy laws

If you’re collecting personal details from customers – like names, addresses, or payment information – make sure you’re clued up on South Africa’s privacy laws and how to keep this data safe.

It’s a fair amount to take on board, but getting the legal ducks in a row from the off means you can focus on running your business without worrying about legal hiccups down the road. Taking advice from a solicitor or an accountant can be a sound investment to make sure all is tickety-boo. Remember, doing things by the book means your business is built on solid ground.

Get your finances sorted out

Getting your finances sorted is crucial when starting a business. It’s not just about keeping your cash in check; it’s about setting a foundation for growth and ensuring you can handle the money side of things when it gets busy.

Read also: How to create a budget

Start with a free invoice software

Now, while you can track your income and expenses with nifty accounting software, let’s talk about sorting invoices without parting with a penny. We’re offering a [ompletely free software for invoices, tailored to South African businesses. This gem means you can create professional-looking invoices, whip them off to customers, and keep tabs on who’s paid and who hasn’t without spending any of your hard-earned cash.

Send invoices for free

Business bank account

First up, you’ll want to set up a separate business bank account. This helps you keep your personal and business finances distinct, which is a must for clear records and a lot less muddle come tax time. By using a dedicated account for all business transactions, you’ll know exactly what’s coming in and what’s going out. Plus, it looks more professional when customers make payments to a business account rather than your personal one.

When you choose a bank, compare their fees, services, and any perks designed for small businesses. Some banks offer accounts with no monthly fees or they might throw in a deal on transaction fees, which could save you a bit of dosh.

Bookkeeping and accounting software

Keeping track of your finances is much easier with accounting software. Modern software can simplify invoicing, track expenses, monitor your cash flow, and even prepare financial reports.

Make sure the software you pick can handle VAT if you’re registered for it, and check that it can link up with your bank account for automatic transaction updates. Regularly reconciling your accounts is much smoother this way, reducing the chances of errors.

Understand your costs

Knowing all your costs – both direct costs like materials and indirect costs like electricity – is crucial when pricing your products or services. Don’t just think about what it costs to produce what you’re selling; also consider overheads like rent, marketing, insurance, and any staff wages.

It’s tempting to set a low price to attract lots of customers, but if it doesn’t cover your costs and leave you with a profit, you’ll struggle to keep the business afloat. So, do your sums and make sure you price for success, taking into account what the market will bear and what customers are willing to pay.

Cash flow management

Good cash flow management is the lifeblood of your business. This means staying ahead of when money will be coming in and going out. It’s about planning for expenses so you’re not caught short when big bills turn up, and it’s about chasing up invoices to keep the cash coming in.

Read also: The ultimate guide to liquidity and cash flow

Financial planning and review

Set aside regular time to review your financial position. This isn’t just a case of checking you’re not spending more than you’re earning. It’s about reviewing financial reports, checking the efficiency of your operations, and ensuring your pricing still reflects cost changes.

Financial planning is all about looking ahead, too. This might include budgeting for future investments, like new equipment or marketing campaigns, and saving for a rainy day because, let’s be honest, every business has them now and again.

Remember, don’t be shy about getting professional advice. An accountant can help you set things up correctly, suggest the best accounting software for your needs, and help with complex financial planning. Getting your finances sorted from the start pays off, literally, in the smooth running of your business and less headache for you down the line.

Starting a business can seem like a huge challenge, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By breaking it down into manageable steps, and making sure you’ve got the important stuff like your business structure, registrations, and insurance figured out, you’ll be well on your way to becoming your own boss in South Africa. Good luck!

Create free invoices with Conta

Want to start a business in South Africa? Start making invoices and track your revenue with Conta, right now, for free!

It’s easy to create invoices with Conta. The web-based interface works just as well on your mobile device as your desktop or laptop computer, and you’ll be creating your first invoice within two minutes of creating your user account.


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