E-invoices increase the chance of getting paid on time

E-invoices increase the change of your business getting paid on time and lessen the chance of debt collection. 


E-invoices increase the change of your business getting paid on time and lessen the chance of debt collection. 

E-invoices, also known as electronic invoices, are more and more common, and more people chose this solution over sending invoices in the mail. The reason for this is most likely since you are ensured that the invoice will be received. No need to worry about lost mail! The customer will receive it immediately and this increases the chance of getting paid faster. E-invoices therefor increase the chance of getting paid on time.

Guarantees that the customer receives the invoice

When you send an e-invoice, it is guaranteed that the customer will receive the invoice. 

No spamfilter or lost in the mail! 

An e-invoice is connected to the bank. The customer should get notified that they have received an e-invoice and it should be available for quick payment in the online bank. In this way the customer can pay directly on the phone with just a few steps. 

It is easier for the customer to pay an e-invoice than a regular invoice. They don’t have to type in any identification number og amount. All they have to do is approve the payment. 

Cut payment time 

The time from when you send the invoice till you get paid is shorter when you send an e-invoice. 

The customer will receive the invoice immediately. If they have just ordered or received their product or service, they will have the purchase in mind. This increases the chance of getting paid on time. 

A factor that can make customers pay on time is that they have forgotten about the purchase or dont have money at that exact time. 

Environmental friendly 

It is environmentally friendly to send invoices by email or as an e-invoice. No paper, inc or printer needed!

Make invoices for free with Conta! Send them to your customer by email. Sign up!

Bonus! It also saves your business time and money from having to print it on paper and send it by mail.