How to turn an idea into a business

Do you have a genius idea for a business, but don’t know how to bring the idea to life? In this article, we'll provide you with some tips on how to turn your idea into a successful business. 


Do you have a genius idea for a business, but don’t know how to bring the idea to life? In this article, we’ll provide you with some tips on how to turn your idea into a successful business. 

Most businesses start with a great idea and a lot of passion. However, it’s important to do some research and planning before you start your business.

In this article, we’ll share five tips for what you have to think about when you turn your idea into a business. 

1. What problem does your idea solve? 

At its core, your business idea should solve an existing problem. The problem does not have to be huge or life-threatening, but there must be some demand for what your company provides. 

For example, say you want to be a freelance photographer, and there happens to be a big demand for. wedding photographers in your area—By starting a freelance photography company that specializes in wedding photography you would meet that demand. 

2. Identify your customers

The first step leads to the second. When finding your customers, you have to think about what you are going to specialize in, which area you’ll operate in, and who your competitors are. You should do some research on competing businesses to understand what you can market as your unique selling points.

Market research will help you find your identity. Knowing the market and the competitors will help you figure out what makes you stand out.

See also: 10 things to do before starting a business.

3. Set up a business plan

To be successful, you need to make money, and your business plan shows how you’re going to do that. You should make a plan that covers at least the first five years. It’s also really important to have a business plan to refer to if you’re aiming to get investors.

A business plan should contain:

  • a summary of what you’re planning to do  
  • a market analysis 
  • a description of how you’re going to execute your idea
  • company information 
  • a list of your products or services
  • a financial plan

A great first step is filling out a business model canvas. A business model canvas is a one-page business plan. Download our free business model template and get started now!

Remember to make a budget to get an overview of your costs and income.

4. Figure out how you’re going to get paid 

Once you have figured out how you’re going to earn money and what you’re going to charge for your products or services, you need to figure out how you’re going to get paid. 

If your business has a physical location, such as a shop, café or restaurant, you should use a cash register. If you work as a freelancer, contractor or you’re self-employed, or you sell products or services where your clients don’t pay straight away, you should try invoice software.

Create free invoices with Conta

With Conta, you can create and send invoices in under 2 minutes. Just enter your customer details, products and prices and send it directly from the invoicing software. All your invoices are stored in one place and you can easily see which customers you need to follow up with.

5. Believe in yourself so you can turn your idea into a business

The fifth and final advice is to believe in yourself and your idea. If you’ve done your research and you have a plan for how to become successful, you’re ready to go.

It’s important to remember that starting a business can be hard and you might meet problems along the way. In those situations, it’s important to remember why you wanted to start your own business. Don’t let fear hold you back. 

See also: How to become your own boss

A young photographer making an invoice with the free invoicing software Conta
A young photographer making an invoice with the free invoicing software Conta