What is a client

A client is someone who purchases goods or services from your business. A client can be either an individual or a business.

A client is someone who purchases goods or services from your business. A client can be either an individual or a business.

A client can also be called customer, although usually ‘client’ can be used to refer to someone who you have a long-term relationship with, while a ‘customer’ is someone who purchases goods or services from you one time. 

It’s important to have a good relationship with your clients.

Set up a client list

A client list is an overview of all your clients. This can be set up in your CRM system and your invoicing software.

This list makes it easier to keep track of sales and quotes, and to invoice clients, since their information can be added to invoices with the click of a button. You can also see how much you’ve invoiced each client and easily identify your top clients.

How to build good relationships with clients

There are many things you can do to build good relationships with your clients. Here are just some of them: 

  • Leave them with a good impression. Send the invoice as soon as you’ve delivered the product or service, and make sure that all the information on the invoice is correct.
  • Always be polite, even if you have to send a payment reminder.
  • Reach out to the client if they haven’t paid on time, to see if there were any issues with the product or service, and try to come up with a resolution that leaves you both happy.
  • It might be worth pampering your top clients with occasional discounts, referral opportunities, as well as free goodies and perks.
  • Reach out to established clients with information about new offers, and maybe give them the opportunity to be the first to try it out.

We’ve gathered some more tips on how to build great relationships.

A person making an invoice with the free invoicing software Conta on their mobile and laptop
A person making an invoice with the free invoicing software Conta on their mobile and laptop