How to launch a successful accounting practice in Australia (2024)

Seeking to transform your financial expertise into a flourishing enterprise? Starting your own accounting firm in Australia is a great option for finance professionals looking to run their own business. Let’s dive into a roadmap for setting up a robust accounting business in Australia.


Seeking to transform your financial expertise into a flourishing enterprise? Starting your own accounting firm in Australia is a great option for finance professionals looking to run their own business. Let’s dive into a roadmap for setting up a robust accounting business in Australia.

Starting an accounting practice in Australia offers a promising avenue for finance professionals seeking entrepreneurship. The journey from conceptualisation to establishing a thriving business can be intricate, yet deeply rewarding. This guide aims to navigate you through the key stages, ensuring a comprehensive approach to creating a successful accounting practice.

Research and planning

Market analysis: Begin with a thorough market analysis. Understanding the local demand for accounting services, identifying your potential clientele (small businesses, individuals, large corporations), and recognising what competitors offer, sets a solid foundation.

Business plan: Develop a detailed business plan next. This document should outline your business goals, financial projections, services offered, marketing strategies, and operational framework. It acts as both a roadmap and a pitch for future financial assistance if required.

Read also: 10 reasons why you need a business plan

Legal and professional requirements

Registration and licences: In Australia, it’s crucial to register your business with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC). Additionally, obtain any necessary licenses or registrations applicable to accounting practices in your state or territory.

Professional accreditation: While not mandatory, accreditation with bodies such as CPA Australia or Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) enhances credibility and client trust.

Setting up your practice: Location & Infrastructure: Decide whether you’ll start from a home office, a co-working space, or lease a dedicated office. Invest in reliable accounting software that complies with Australian standards, such as ATO’s Single Touch Payroll reporting.

Hiring staff: Depending on your business size and scope, you might initially work solo or consider hiring staff. Look for individuals who not only have the technical skills but also share your business vision.

Financial management

Funding: Evaluate your initial capital needs, considering options such as personal savings, loans, or investment from partners. A clear view of your start-up costs vs projected income helps in planning your finances efficiently.

Pricing strategies: Develop transparent pricing strategies. Whether you choose a fixed-fee, hourly rate, or value-based pricing, ensure it reflects the quality of your services and covers your costs while remaining competitive.

Building client relations

Marketing: A strong online presence is essential. Invest in a professional website, and engage on social media platforms relevant to your target audience. Traditional networking shouldn’t be overlooked; attending industry events can lead to valuable connections.

Customer service: Exceptional customer service fosters loyalty and referrals. Be proactive in communication, transparent in your dealings, and always adhere to deadlines.

Continual professional development

The accounting world is ever-evolving, with new laws, technologies, and practices. Commit to ongoing learning and professional development to keep your skills sharp and your practice competitive. Check out our blog to stay updated.

Leverage technology

Embrace the latest in accounting technology to streamline operations, from cloud-based accounting solutions to automated tools for payroll, invoicing, and reporting. This not only increases efficiency but also adds value to the services you offer clients.

Business setup: Going solo or forming a partnership?

Deciding on the structure of your new accounting practice is a critical decision that lays the foundation for its operation, growth, and sustainability. In Australia, two popular choices for professionals venturing into their accounting practice are setting up as a solo practitioner or entering into a partnership. Each option comes with its unique set of advantages and challenges, and understanding these can help you choose the path that best aligns with your personal goals, resources, and vision for the future.

Read also: Business structures in Australia and taxes to be aware of

Going solo


  • Complete Control: Running a solo practice means having full control over decision-making, from client selection to business strategy.
  • Simplicity in Management: A solo practice is simpler to manage compared to a partnership, with fewer bureaucratic hurdles and a straightforward operational approach.
  • Financial Rewards: All financial benefits directly accrue to you, providing a clear incentive for your hard work.


  • Limited Resources: Being the sole decision-maker and worker can stretch your capacities thin, from managing client workloads to handling administrative tasks.
  • Financial Risk: Initial startup costs and ongoing financial responsibilities rest solely on your shoulders, potentially leading to higher personal financial risk.
  • Growth Constraints: Expanding the business might prove challenging due to limited manpower and resources.

Forming a partnership


  • Shared Responsibilities: Partnerships allow for the distribution of workload and financial risks among the partners, easing individual burdens.
  • Diverse Skill Sets: Bringing together partners with different areas of expertise and skills can enhance the service offerings and attract a broader client base.
  • Enhanced Capacity for Growth: With more hands on deck and increased financial backing, partnerships often have a higher capacity for taking on more clients and pursuing growth opportunities.


  • Complex Decision-Making: Shared control means decisions must be agreed upon by all partners, which can complicate or slow down the decision-making process.
  • Financial Sharing: While sharing financial risks, profits must also be shared among partners, which might lead to potential conflicts if expectations aren’t aligned.
  • Legal and Operational Complexities: Forming and managing a partnership involves more complex legal and operational considerations, requiring clear agreements and potentially more elaborate structures and processes.

Regardless of the path chosen, it’s crucial to have a clear business plan and operational strategy. For those considering a partnership, drafting a comprehensive partnership agreement that outlines roles, responsibilities, profit-sharing mechanisms, and dispute resolution procedures is essential. This document can mitigate potential conflicts and provide a clear framework for the partnership’s operation.

Making the choice

When deciding between a solo practice or partnership, consider your long-term business objectives, personal work preferences, risk tolerance, and the financial or human resources you have at your disposal. Many accountants start solo to maintain control and simplicity, eventually transitioning into partnerships as they seek to expand their practice and capabilities. 

Build your success: Launch your accounting practice in Australia for growth and fulfillment

Launching an accounting practice is an exciting venture with vast potential for growth and professional fulfillment. While the journey requires hard work, meticulous planning, and a commitment to continuous improvement, the rewards of building a successful practice are unparalleled. With the right approach, your accounting business can become a trusted pillar in the Australian financial landscape, offering invaluable services to the community and businesses.