How to manage and keep track of business expenses

Managing and keeping track of business expenses effectively is crucial for the financial health and growth for a company. This article outlines steps on how to manage and track business expenses. 


Managing and keeping track of business expenses effectively is crucial for the financial health and growth for a company. This article outlines steps on how to manage and track business expenses. 

Whether you run a small startup or a large corporation, keeping track of expenses helps in budgeting, tax preparation, and making informed business decisions. It is important to manage expenses and not overspend. If you don’t keep track of your business expenses your finances can get out of control.

Let’s take a look at our 10 tips that will help you manage your business expenses. 

1. Make a budget 

The first step in managing business expenses is creating a detailed budget. A budget serves as a financial blueprint, outlining expected income and expenditures. It should be based on your business finances and adjusted for future projections. Separate funds to various categories such as payroll, marketing, office supplies, travel, and unexpected costs. Regularly review and update the budget to ensure it remains aligned with your business goals.

Read also: Running a business? How to set up a budget. 

2. Use an accounting software

Using accounting software is essential for tracking business expenses. Modern accounting tools, like QuickBooks, Xero, or FreshBooks, automate many of the processes associated with expense management. They allow you to categorize expenses, generate financial reports, and even integrate with your bank accounts for seamless tracking. Automation reduces the risk of human error and saves time.

It is also smart to have an invoice software. With Conta you can send invoices for free! Sign up.

3. Maintain separate business accounts

It’s vital to separate personal and business finances. This is relevant for small businesses where personal life and business goes hand in hand. Opening a dedicated business bank account and using a business credit card ensures that all transactions are recorded in one place. This separation simplifies bookkeeping and provides a clear picture of your company’s financial health.

4. Track expenses in real-time

Tracking expenses in real-time prevents losing documentation and reduces the risk of overlooking expenses. Encourage employees to submit receipts and expense reports immediately after a purchase. Utilize mobile apps linked to your accounting software to capture and categorize expenses on the go. 

5. Keep receipts and documentation

Proper documentation is crucial for tax purposes and financial audits. Keep all receipts, invoices, and related documents organized. Your business can get tax deductions on almost every expense, as long as you have documentation. 

Read also: Understanding tax deductions for small businesses

Many businesses have digital storage solutions to manage these documents efficiently. Scanning and storing receipts electronically reduces the physical clutter and makes retrieval easier when needed. Ensure that digital records are backed up regularly to prevent data loss.

6. Implement expense policies

Creating clear expense policies helps in controlling costs. Define what is a business expense and what is reimbursable. Set limits for different categories of expenses, such as travel, meals, and entertainment. Ensure all employees understand these policies to avoid unnecessary expenses. 

7. Regularly review and reconcile accounts

Regularly reviewing and reconciling accounts ensures that your financial records are accurate. Monthly reconciliations allow you to compare your accounting records with bank statements to identify discrepancies. Addressing these issues promptly helps in maintaining financial integrity and prevents potential financial losses.

8. Monitor cash flow

Cash flow management is key to expense tracking. Monitor your cash flow regularly to ensure that your business has the money to cover its obligations. Use cash flow statements to analyze your income and expenses, and adjust your spending accordingly to avoid a situation where you can’t pay your bills. 

Read also: Mastering cash flow management for small businesses

9. Plan for taxes

Accurate expense tracking simplifies tax preparation. Categorizing and documenting expenses throughout the year helps in identifying deductible expenses, reducing your taxable income. 

10. Analyze and optimize expenses

Regularly analyzing your expenses can reveal areas where you can cut costs or optimize spending. Look for trends in your expenses and identify categories where you might be overspending or if you buy something your business doesn’t need. Negotiating with suppliers, finding more cost-effective solutions, or reducing waste are all strategies that can improve your bottom line. Remember reducing small expenses that might not seem important can give you better liquidity in the business.