10 things to do before starting a business

Made the choice to start your own business? There are a lot of things to think about when starting. Here, we go through some key elements. 


Made the choice to start your own business? There are a lot of things to think about when starting. Here, we go through some key elements. 

Turning a business idea into reality requires careful planning. With a good plan in place, you can handle the tasks and responsibilities that come with starting a business. Here are some things to consider:

1. Research market

Launching a business without doing research is risky. Before diving in, it’s important to research your market, making sure there’s an audience for your product or service you are planning to launch. By looking at today’s demand and future trends, you can see if your business idea has long-term potential or if it’s just a passing trend at the moment. This knowledge helps you make good decisions about the sustainability of your business.

You should also look if there are potential customers and which businesses that already are operating with similar products or services. By doing so, you can identify any gaps in the market that your competitors may not notice. This allows you to customize your new business to meet unmet needs or provide unique value propositions, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

Read also: 10 reasons why you need a business plan

2. Business plan

You may have a business idea ready, but you also have to think about making a business plan. A business plan tells you your business goals, strategies for achieving those goals and the timeframe. It makes a level of commitment, and it figures out which challenges you may have.

It is also important to have a business plan for potential investors that are interested in your business. It gives them an overview of your business and what they can expect in the future.

3. Budgeting

Starting a business will require money. This may be money you may not have right away. For getting capital, many people seek to their family or friends first, but if that’s not enough, you may try to search for investors and venture capitalists. Another option is to apply for business loans through banks.

4. Personas

Before making a business, it is valuable to know who your potential customers are. Personas are fictional but realistic descriptions of a typical user of a product or service. Personas are built up by descriptions of the fictional people, their challenges, purchase habits and goals. By creating personas, you determine what they would like to purchase, when they purchase it and needs that you can cover.

5. Set up a web site

For people to find you, it is important to have a professional website that showcase your products or services. It doesn’t have to be very advanced at the beginning, but you should have the most important information available, such as what does your business do, how to contact you, prices and so on. There are a lot of free tools to create websites for free, and you don’t need much experience with coding or designing. 

6. Look at your competitors

Make sure to look at what your competitors are doing. Studying competitors gives you insight into the existing market landscape, including customer preferences, pricing strategies, and marketing tactics. By looking at competitors, you can find gaps or unmet needs in the market that your business can address. This allows you to differentiate your offerings and tailor them to better meet customer demands.

7. Network with other founders

Building a network with individuals who are or have been in similar situations can be helpful. You can connect with communities locally or through social media platforms. Numerous Facebook groups and online forums for startups exist, offering a great way to learn from the experiences and challenges faced by other entrepreneurs. Engaging with these communities can provide valuable insights, support, and advice as you go through your journey.

8. Have a invoicing software

You should also start looking at how to receive money. Starting a business may be a bit expensive, so it’s beneficial to look at free alternatives. When you get customers and they are purchasing something from your business, you should have picked a invoicing software. With Conta, you can send invoices completely for free. The software is very easy to manage, and you don’t have to download anything.

Send invoices for free

9. Remember the marketing

When starting a business, focusing on marketing is important to ensure that people can discover your business. If you are not marketing your business, potential customers might not notice your business, leading to zero sales.

You can for example start by creating social media pages. Creating useful content and spending money on advertising can help attract and direct people to your business when they search for your products or services. Having a good website is also important, as it is a central place for people to learn about your offerings and connect with your business.

10. Develop a brand

It’s important to be recognizable so that your customers remember your brand. Spend time on creating a logo and choosing fitting colors and fonts. Use these elements consistently across your website, marketing materials, products or services, social media, and all other platforms. Consistency in branding helps ensure that people will remember and associate these elements with your brand, increasing brand recognition and trust. It also helps you stand out from competitors. 

Starting a business gives you a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Key steps such as thorough market research, detailed planning, competitor analysis, and effective marketing are essential to turning your business idea into a reality.