Startup tips for new business owners

The possibilities are many as a new business owner. In this article you will get startup tips from that can help you on your way. 


The possibilities are many as a new business owner. In this article you will get startup tips from that can help you on your way. 

Having your own company means a lot of freedom. You can decide what you want to do, when you want to do it and how you should do it. No matter what your business is and how you plan to execute it, there are some startup tips that are relevant for every business. 

In this article you will get some tips to help you on your new business adventure.

Have a plan 

When you start a business, the very first thing you should do is to make a plan. How will your business earn money? When can you expect to start earning money? Do you have a five year plan? Set a budget and make a plan. And remember that you can change the plan if you need to adjust!

Read also: 10 reasons why you need a business plan.

Take time to learn 

Many people are so eager to start their business, that they don’t have the time to learn how to use all the new softwares or research the market they are in. We recommend that if you get a new system, for example Conta invoice software, take some time to go through the software. Maybe you can watch a webinar or read some help articles. 

We often experience customers that have waited to the very last minute to do something, and then they log in to a system and have a lot of questions. This can be very frustrating for the customer. So we advise everyone to try and learn their systems when they start their system and also set time to learn. 

Create good habits

It is important to have some kind of structure and create good habits that will help you work smart and efficiently. 

One tip is that you should make it a habit to send invoices once you have delivered a service or goods. In this way you will remember to send the invoice and you will get faster payment from your customers that can lead to greater liquidity. 

One other tip is to bookkeep as you go. Have you made a purchase, bookkeep it! In this way you will save yourself from frustration, lost receipts and don’t have to pull an all nighter before deadlines. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help 

One final tip from us to you! Never be afraid to ask for help. Ask customer service, ask a mentor, ask a family member or a friend, ask an employee. It is a strength to ask for help when you see you are struggling with something. It can also save you time or provide you with new insight. 

Good luck with your business! 

In need of an invoice software? Conta as a free invoice software. Create as many invoices as you need! Sign me up for free.