What is a business number

A business number is used to distinguish your business from other businesses. You'll get it when you register.

A business number is a unique number given to every business when it registers with a national registry. The length varies from country to country. 

The numbers confirms the legitimacy of your business and should be used in official documentation, such as invoices and contracts.

In some countries, you’ll also get a separate tax number if you register for consumption tax, also called VAT or GST. Whether you have to register for consumption tax depends on how much you’re earning. 

In some countries, you can use the same number for several different companies, while in others, you have to register separate numbers.

See also: What do I do about tax on my invoice?

How do I register my business?

How you register depends on what country you are going to run a business in. Typically, you would register in an online database, also called a national registry.

Depending on what type of business you’re going to run, there could be some things you need to have in order before you can register, such as a certain amount of money or a CEO. 

Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive a business number.

A young photographer making an invoice with the free invoicing software Conta
A young photographer making an invoice with the free invoicing software Conta

When do I use a business number?

It should be used on all official documentation. You should include it in contracts with clients and suppliers. You should also include it on the invoices you send to your clients. 

Suppliers and clients can look up the number to get more information about your company. It also shows that you’re properly registered.

If you’re looking to open a business bank account or interact with the authorities, they’ll ask you to provide your business number. It is important to establish your identity in formal and legal contexts. You also have to use it when paying taxes, reporting consumption tax, or if you’re due a tax refund.