What is invoicing

Invoicing is a way to demand payment for goods and services by sending a document to the customer that shows how much should be paid and who it should be paid to. You have probably received some of these over the years!

Invoicing is a way to demand payment for goods and services by sending a document to the customer that shows how much should be paid and who it should be paid to. You have probably received some of these over the years!

Invoicing is also usually based on credit, which means that the goods or services are delivered first and then the customer is invoiced afterwards. It is based on trust that the customer will settle the payment.

An exception to invoicing in arrears is subscriptions, such as mobile bills or cable TV: here you pay in advance.

What can I use for invoicing?

The best option is to choose an invoicing software. If you choose Conta, you get an invoicing program that is easy to use and meets all the requirements for what an invoice must contain.

It is also allowed, but quite impractical, to use pre-printed invoice forms that you can buy at the bookstore.

There are many advantages to invoicing with Conta:

  • Write directly into the invoice. It will look exactly like on the screen!
  • The invoices are automatically booked when you also use the accounting program.
  • Get KID on the invoice and see that all payments are automatically registered.
  • All invoices are stored for 10 years.

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